Republican Forest Selection and Seed Center

The Year of Science

On December 23, 2016, the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree "On the Announcement of 2017 as the Year of Science". The main goal of this decision is to increase the role of science in fulfilling the tasks of the country's social and economic development, creating favorable conditions for the preservation and development of scientific potential, forming the international image of Belarus as a country with a high level of intellectual and human capital.

Agency "Republican Forest Selection and Seed Center" is one of the leading organizations in the field of scientific research in forest selection and seed production, technologies for growing forest planting material with a closed root system, and microclonal reproduction of tree and shrub plant species (in vitro). In 2017, the research department plans to continue the scientific work begun in previous years, and to include in the active work to address the current issues of the industry in the supervised areas, both independently and jointly with other research institutions of the Republic of Belarus.

ПSchedule of events of rfssc to hold in 2017 The Year of science

Name of the event

Terms of execution



Creation of the "Year of Science" section on the website of the agency and posting of information about the events dedicated to the Year of Science


Deputy Director, head of the research department


Posting of information about holding the Year of Science at information stands and the website

During the year

Deputy Director


Coverage of the conducted events in the mass media and the website dedicated to the Year of Science

During the year

Deputy Director on ideological activity


Holding and conduct of events with the introduction of scientific developments in the production process of the Agency

During the year

Deputy Director, heads of services and departments


Arranging, holding and participation in scientific workshops and other events dedicated to the Year of Science

During the year

Deputy Director, heads of services and departments

Read 1307 times Last modified on Tuesday, 21 March 2017
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