Republican Forest Selection and Seed Center

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The history of Agency "Republican Breeding and Selection Center" begins with the formation in 1947 of the Republican forest seed station in the village of Shchomyslitsa, Minsk region. The main functions of the station were to determine the planted quality of seeds harvested by the forest companies of the industry, as well as to monitor the status of the forest seed in the forestry institutions of the industry.

The transition of forest seed production to the breeding base began in the 50s of the last century, a selection inventory of the forest fund was carried out, as a result the best representatives of trees and plantings were identified by their external indicators and by productivity, to which the plus category was assigned. In the late 1960s, the first-order FSO (the first genetic level) was started from the progeny of plus trees.

Simultaneously with the selection inventory of forests and the creation of seed plantations, the test cultures were started. In total, during 1966-1995, they laid 39.8 hectares. The seed generation of 1339 plus trees was placed on the test. In test cultures, 277 trees were selected as candidates for the elite, which were the starting material for the assembly of clones on the second-order plantation (the second genetic level).

The transfer of forest seed production to the elite basis occurred in 1993, when the State program for the creation of the second-order FSO was launched.

It required a complex of organizational and scientific and technical measures aimed at creating a system of selection and seed service. The Republican Forest Selection and Seed Center (RFSSC) was called to head this system. After creation of RLSSC in 2002, the seed control system was reorganized, the scheme for management of forest seed production was improved, and modern equipment and technology for harvesting, processing and storage of conifer seeds was implemented.

The main goal of RFSSC is to preserve the valuable gene pool of the republic's woody plants, increase the productivity, ecological and resource potential of forests, based on the development and improvement of the permanent forest seed base.

The main task of RFSSC is highly professional management of forest selection seed breeding, RFSSC performs the following functions:

  • maintaining the selection, accounting of plus trees and plantations, genetic reserves, documentation for all facilities of the permanent breeding base of the republic;
  • growing of forest selection planting material and providing it to forest companies when laying down permanent forest seed base facilities;
  • providing methodological assistance to forest companies in organizing forest seed breeding, nursery farming and reforestation;
  • operation of the permanent commissions for the certification of permanent forest seed base facilities, permanent forest nurseries of forest companies of the republic;
  • research, generalization, propaganda and implementation of scientific and technical developments in forestry practice, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of forest seed production, forestry seed collection and storage, forest nursery and reforestation;
  • controlling the quality of the activities carried out by forest companies to account the expected harvest of seeds of forest tree and shrub species, the compliance with technology of harvesting, storage and processing of seed-bearing raw materials and forest seeds by forest companies, the implementation of scientific and technical developments in the field of forest seed production, forest nursery, reforestation and forest cultivation;
  • production of analyzes to determine the sowing quality of seeds of woody-shrubby species, the degree of entomological and phytopathological contamination of forest seeds, seedlings, transplants and soil;
  • filing and issuance of documents confirming the quality of forest seeds in accordance with the requirements of the existing standards;
  • processing and storage of forest seeds;
  • осуществление научно-технических связей с другими организациями по вопросам ведения лесного семеноводства, лесосеменного дела, питомнического хозяйства и лесовосстановления;
  • implementation of scientific and technical ties with other organizations on forest seed management, forest seed, forest nursery and reforestation;
  • growing standard forest planting material with a closed root system for reforestation and afforestation;
  • carrying out research work on introduction into cultivation in vitro, stabilization and further microclonal reproduction of forest plant species.

At present, there are 4 departments in RFSSC:

  • Forest seed and reforestation sector;
  • Production Department;
  • Central analytical laboratory;
  • Research department.

The production base of the agency includes:

  1. Seed shop (equipment by Mosa Green Srl)
  2. Shop for processing cones (equipment by Nomeko). The annual volume of cone processing is about 150 tons
  3. Refrigeration chambers. Capacity 15 tons
  4. Greenhouse complex for cultivation of planting material with a closed root system with the total area of 0.28 hectares.
Read 1979 times Last modified on Friday, 04 August 2017
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