According to him, in 2006, bison from the Republic of Poland were already brought to the Republic of Moldova. Today they have passed all the necessary stages of acclimatization and are contained in the reserve “Pedurya Domnyaske”. This reserve was created to preserve unique floodplain forests, as well as rare and endangered species of animals and plants. Its total area is 6032 hectares.
Today, there are 49 species of mammals in the reserve, including bison, wild boars, European roe deer and others. The fauna “Pedury blight” and birds are rich: 159 species of birds are recorded, of which 107 species nest in the park constantly.
In order to breed the bison population, in the reserve was fenced 32 hectares of forest. The maintenance of bison annually costs Moldova 25-30 thousand US dollars. At the same time, today only 7 individuals of bison live here. To increase the number of livestock, it is necessary to increase the number of females of this species of wild animal. According to the Moldovan colleagues, the Belarusian individuals can be the most suitable for this.
During the official visit of representatives of the Agency "Moldsilva" to the Republic of Belarus, agreements were reached on the exchange of 2 bison males from the reserve "Pedurya Domnyaske" for 2 females of this species of wild animal from the republican landscape reserve "Naliboksky". Roughly an exchange of individuals can occur at the end of this - the beginning of next year.
Today in Belarus there are about 1,800 bison. In our country, 11 micropopulations of this animal species have been created, one of which is the Nalibokskaya micropopulation.
During a visit to the Republic of Belarus, the delegation of the Republic of Moldova also visited the establishment of the Republican Forest Selection and Seed Center on a working visit. The Moldovan side forestry specialists during the excursion with the production facilities of the institution familiarized themselves with the applied technologies for processing seed forest seedlings of coniferous species, the line for filling cassettes and seeding, the biotechnological laboratory for microclonal propagation of seeds of forest plants.
Photos of the Press Service of the Ministry of Forestry