"In the forestry enterprises subordinate to the Forestry Ministry, as of July 18 occurred 341 case of fire on a total area of 775 hectares. the Largest number of forest fires registered in the forest enterprises of the Brest, Gomel and Minsk oblasts, the smallest - in the forestry enterprises of the Vitebsk region. This year there were a lot more fires than last year, due to the fact that in may there was an abnormally high temperature - up to 30 degrees. And in 2017, a historical minimum was set for the area covered by fires: during the entire fire season it was only 72 hectares," said Alexander ugrin.
As of July 1, there are 252 chemical fire stations and 663 fire-fighting equipment points in the Ministry of forestry, which are equipped with fire-fighting equipment. The system of forest fire detection in Belarus is based on the implementation of ground, remote visual, aviation and space monitoring, remote video monitoring, which provides in recent years the detection of 78% of fires up to 0.1 hectares.
In Belarus at the moment there are no bans on forest visits. "If in August will again be the drought, it is possible that decisions will be made on the introduction of restrictions on visits to forests. I want to note that these decisions are taken by the Executive committees", - said the representative of the Ministry of forestry.
"Citizens for visits to forests must be mindful of the observance of fire safety rules. In the fire season it is forbidden to make fires in coniferous young growth, on sites of the damaged forest plantings, peatlands, in places of the cabins which are not cleared of the cutting remains and the prepared wood, and also on sites with the dried-up grass. It is allowed to build fires on condition of their placement on the sites bordered with the mineralized strip of width not less than 0,25 m. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of fire damage to crowns, trunks and root paws of growing trees," - said Alexander ugrin.
For violation of fire safety requirements in forests in accordance with the code of administrative violations,a warning or a fine of up to 25 basic units is provided (Br24, 5). Since the beginning of 2018, officials of the state forest protection for violation of fire safety requirements in forests brought to administrative responsibility 469 offenders.