This opinion was expressed by the Minister of forestry Vitaly Drozhzha during a meeting with representatives of the Board of Executive Directors of the world Bank Group. Experts of the international financial organization visited today the National forest selection and seed center, where they got acquainted with the work of the institution, as well as with the progress of the construction of a "forest biofabrika" for growing planting material with a closed root system.
Welcoming the guests, Vitaliy Drozhzha stressed the importance of the project.
"4 years ago, the President of the Republic of Belarus visited the centre and set the task to develop forestry along the way of the leading forest European countries, taking as a basis the experience of Finland. The world Bank funds, among other things, allow us to successfully carry out the task", - said the head of the forest industry.
At the same time, the Minister added that the money allocated by the International Bank for reconstruction and development is distributed today in three main areas. In addition to the construction of cutting-edge systems, they are also directed at the acquisition of fire trucks terrain, which allows you to respond more quickly to forest fires, and to increase the proportion of mechanization of logging in terms of cabins care. Thus the program of modernization of the forest branch begins already from the moment of creation of the woods.
We Remind that in April this year, the Ministry of forestry and the International Bank for reconstruction and development signed an agreement on the allocation of an additional loan to the project "development of the forest sector of the Republic of Belarus" in the amount of 12 million euros. In 2015, , IBRD provided a loan of $40.7 million In this project currently involves over 90 of the forestry institutions of the country.
After the end of the study program, experts of the world Bank, together with the Minister of forestry Vitaly Yeast laid the alley of the Swedish Rowan.
Press service of the Ministry of forestry