This year the action "forest Week" will be held for the 11th time. Statistics show that every year more and more Belarusians join the event. Just last year, the contribution to augmentation of forest Fund of the country contributed about 82.5 thousand people. Their hands planted almost 21 million trees! during the "week of the forest-2017" forest cultures were established on an area of 6 700 ha. Of these, 1 100 hectares –forest areas damaged by the hurricanes. In addition, rest places were repaired, works on cleaning of clutter, cleaning of roadside strips were carried out. At the moment, forestry and the state forestry Committee determine the list of objects on which the work on reforestation and restoration of order during the current campaign will be organized.
Forest Week 2018 is Expected to cover all regions of the country. The Ministry of forestry approved the composition of the organizing Committee and developed a plan of activities for the preparation and holding of the action. All state production forestry associations have developed their regional action plans. In order to take part in the action "forest Week-2018" residents of our country need to apply to the nearest forestry or forestry. Experts will not only determine the place and type of work, but also provide the necessary inventory, planting material.
It Should be noted that representatives of public organizations, deputies, heads of various ministries and departments, the business community take an active part in the action every year. In order to attract even more attention to the event, at the initiative of the Ministry of forestry was prepared a thematic video about the green wealth of Belarus.
The Press service of the Ministry of forestry