Belarusian scientists create forest's future. Near Minsk grown genetic copy of fir and other elite varieties of trees. Specialists of the centre daily drop 800 "microcuencas". After the tube the stem of the tree is placed in the container to adapt. In the open ground planted only adapted cuttings.
the"Productivity" forest laboratories – a million seedlings a year. In the next two years Belarus plans to build six forestry centres. According to scientists, after 50 years, cloned Christmas trees will completely replace conventional. How cloned trees, the TV channel "MIR 24" said researcher of the Botanical garden of MSU "Aptekarsky ogorod", candidate of biological Sciences Alexey Filin.
- whether to nourish millions of identical trees, it is sufficient to take a leaf out escape or a kidney?
Rather, you need to take fabrics that have a high regenerative activity. Then you can get an unlimited number of exact genetic copies of the material from which the sample was taken.
How to create clones of plants? How complex is the technology?
Method clonal expansions in principle not new. It has been known since 1960-ies. But the whole point of the method and technology of plant propagation is to select the optimal composition of culture media at each stage clonal reproduction.