Experts of the Food and agriculture organization of the UN (FAO) will study the Belarusian experience of combating drying of pine plantations, according to BelTA with reference to the press service of the Ministry of forestry.
within a few days international experts will analyze the situation with the mass reproduction of stem pests. In addition, there is raised the question of the allocation of Belarus of the international technical assistance.
First Deputy forestry Minister Alexander Kulik met with experts from FAO. Welcoming the guests, he noted the importance of their visit for Belarusian foresters. "The policy of the Ministry of forestry aimed at strengthening the potential of cooperation and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation with partner countries, relevant international organizations. In the context of climate change forestry is one of the most vulnerable sectors to adverse environmental factors. Windbreaks, segoloni, forest fires, damage to forests by pests and diseases are the effects of climate change, with which Belarus has faced in recent years", — said the first Deputy Minister.
He added that this problem is known not only Belarusians. "Our partners from Ukraine, confirm that they have even more difficult situation. The volume shrinkage of pine in the region of Ukrainian Polissya are 142 thousand hectares with a volume of 8 million cubic meters of wood," — said Alexander Kulik.
Our country proposes to implement the FAO joint cross-border project FAO-Belarus-Ukraine for Belarus and Ukraine to develop the scientific basis for complex of measures for improvement of conifer plantations of the region, to prevent the shrinkage of forests and to prevent the spread of the lesion to neighboring countries. While the focus should be the issues of early diagnosis, monitoring and recovery of the damaged plants.
According to first Deputy Minister, the solution to the problem of large-scale shrinkage of forests in our countries require joint efforts of partner countries with the support of relevant international organizations. It is this focused attention of the Minister of forestry of Belarus Mikhail Amelyanovich and the Deputy Minister of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine Olga Trofimova on the 4-th European forest week, which took place in Warsaw from 9th to 13th October.
"Our meeting is a continuation of the meeting in Poland. We take the issue very seriously and carefully considering what can be done to fix it. Two weeks ago I visited Ukraine and met with colleagues and got a lot of information about the problem," — said the expert meeting on forestry, FAO Norbert Winkler.
working visit of FAO experts to Belarus will last until November 24. Today specialists will visit FME "Luban forestry", where they will participate in an international seminar on the organization and carrying out sanitary-improving measures in decaying pine plantations.