The event will take place at the initiative of the Ministry of forestry. The main purpose of voluntary action – to draw public attention to the need to take care of the forest and not to pollute it.
Every year the organization of the Ministry of forestry sent significant forces and means to work to restore order in the forests. However, the problem of unauthorized dumps of building and household waste and other foreign objects in the woods adjacent to roads and Railways around the settlements, gardening associations and suburban cooperatives at rest areas and Parking lots is still relevant.
In this regard, the Ministry of forestry calls upon all citizens of our country to join efforts and to contribute in restoring order to improve the forest resources adjacent to their settlements. Participate can be anyone. It is enough to apply to any forest, and to Express their desire to help in restoring order in the woods. Organization of the Ministry of forestry will provide all participants with necessary equipment.
By the way, the action "Clean forest" in Belarus has already become traditional. It was first held in 2010, and during that time attracted tens of thousands of volunteers. The event is actively supported by local Executive authorities, state, public and commercial organizations, schools, universities and other organizations of the Republic.