The current standards include 3 methods for determining the sowing quality of seeds, depending on the plant species:
The external infection of seeds with phytopathogenic fungi, presence of pests, their species composition, form and degree of infection is established.
Over a year, the laboratory performs more than 2000 analyzes and issues relevant documents on the quality of seeds of forest plants.
The storage of seeds at a low temperature provides a long time preservation of their sowing quality and slowing down the natural aging process.
When laying for storage, the relative humidity of the seeds is determined using electronic analyzer Sartorius MA-35.
The main function of RD is to carry out scientific research in the field of forestry, mainly in the field of forest selection, seed production, growing of planting material.
In this connection, in April 2013, a biotechnology laboratory was created on the basis of RFSSC, which is engaged in the development of innovative technologies for the production of planting material of economically and genetically valuable plants and microclonal multiplication of plants in vitro.
Tall blueberries: varieties:
Decorative conifers:
Conifer forest-forming species:
The laboratory includes 3 rooms. The autoclave and washing room is equipped with all necessary equipment for sterilizing dishes and preparing nutrient media.
The laminar and cultural room is designed for introducing plants into the cultivation invitro and directly for micro-engraving. Laminar-boxes are designed for work in sterile conditions.
In the adaptation room, the plants are landed in peat and adapted to the ex vitro conditions
Microclonal propagation of tall blueberry saplings is carried out.
On the territory of the Center there is a store where you can purchase decorative planting material, in the season there is a planting stock of fruit and berry crops, seeds of vegetable and flower crops, garden tools, fertilizers and plant protection products, small architectural forms and a number of other products for your garden.
Monday - Saturday: from 08:30 to 19:00
break: 13:00 - 13:30
Sunday: 08:30 - 17:00
16, 25 April - days off
Phone: +375 (17) 510-63-98
Every third Monday in the month from 08:30 to 10:00 is a sanitary hour
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